• Different types of data
  • Data summarization
  • Frequency table
  • Frequency Distributions
  • Histogram
  • Measures of central tendency and dispersion
  • Skewness and kurtosis
  • Basic Probability, Conditional Probability
  • Normal Distribution
  • Sampling methods
  • Point and Interval estimation
  • Central Limit Theorem
  • Null and alternative hypothesis
  • Level of significance
  • P value
  • Types of errors
  • Hypothesis Testing

Linear and Multiple Linear Regression

  • Simple and Multiple Linear Regression
  • R2 and Adjusted R2
  • Interpretation of coefficients
  • Dummy Variables
  • Residual Analysis
  • Outliers

Logistic Regression

  • Assumptions
  • Logistic Function
  • Chi-Square
  • Hosmer Lemeshow test
  • Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic and chart
  • Classification Table
  • Interpreting Coefficients
  • Dependent Variable Prediction
  • Principles of Forecasting
  • Time Series
  • Causal models
  • Types of Forecasting Methods and their characteristics
  • Moving Average
  • Exponential Smoothing
  • Trend
  • Seasonality
  • Cyclicity


  • Decision Tree Induction
  • Bayes Methods
  • Rule-Based Classification
  • Model Evaluation and Selection
  • Ensemble Approaches
  • Random forest


  • Partitioning Methods
  • Hierarchical Methods
  • Density-Based Methods
  • Grid-Based Methods
  • Evaluation of Clustering
  • K-means Method


  • Formatting of Excel Sheets
  • Use of Excel Formula Function
  • Data Filter and Sort
  • Charts and Graphs
  • Table formula and Scenario building
  • Lookups
  • Pivot tables

Python & R

  • Reading and Writing Data
  • Data types
  • Important Packages
  • Data Manipulation
  • Building models using learned algorithms
  • Evaluating and optimizing models

Tableau – (Data Visualization tool)

  • Extracting data into Tableau
  • Data Preparation, Dimensions
  • Transformation of variables
  • Creating Views
  • Working with charts
  • Exporting visualisations

SQL – Introduction to Databases

  • Terminologies – Records, Fields, Tables
  • Introduction to database
  • Introduction to SQL  
  • SQL Syntax
  • SQL data Types
  • SQL Operators
  • Table creation in SQL- Create, Insert, Drop, Delete and Update
  • Table access & Manipulation
  • Select with Where Clause (In between, logical operators, wild cards, order, group by)
  • Concepts of Join – Inner, Outer
  • Projects let you apply what you’ve learned in Business Analytics course to a practical problem. In project, you will be given a problem statement and the relevant data. You will apply various algorithm techniques to find an optimum solution to the problem.
  • Once you’ve completed the project, you’ll be better able to apply analytical techniques to a business case and accordingly prepare a detailed report.
  • In case you don’t have any relevant experience in Analytics, this project will enable you to showcase your expertise in a job interview.
  •  Property Price Prediction using Linear Regression
  • Bank Loan Prediction using Logistic Regression
  • Wine buyer categorization using Clustering
  • Forecasting Demand using Time Series
  •  Human Activity Recognition using Random Forest
  •  Predicting Potential Buyer using Decision Tree